Lindsey Steinberg, South Florida

Sending you an update since I’m about 1/2 way through the 12 week program and its going really well. Here’s a side-by-side pic of me before I started. I can definitely see a difference in stomach definition and hip area. I feel so much better too!

Maria Tumanjan, South Florida

Learning to LOVE the process it takes to get to my end result was something I found myself enjoying. I feel stronger, healthier, and more fit altogether which enables my children to grow up in an environment where being healthy is part of LIFE.

Chelsea Halsted, Michigan

  My very first #onlinefitness clients Chelsea Halsted. She’s stuck with me from the BEGINNING relaxed and I thought I was busy. This medical student makes it work! Hustling thru residencies while managing a healthy lifestyle & grinding through my #HIIT workouts online and even squeezing in my #60dayonlinefit challenge.

Nicole Hoag, North Carolina

#TheMariaMethod workouts have been a part of my #routine for a few years now. They’ve helped me train for a half marathon, a triathlon, slowly return from a lower back injury, and now get me prepped for the ultimate marathon of #childbirth. 35 weeks pregnant and with Maria’s modifications I can still make them work. […]

Bibiana Avendano, South Florida

What was your biggest lesson learned from this challenge? “The biggest lesson that I learned from this challenge was acceptance. I’ve learned to accept my body and to stop comparing myself to fit women on magazines or TV. Being fit is not only about tone muscles and hardcore abs, fitness is part of healthy lifestyle […]