About Dr P

Maria Pontillo is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, certified Group Fitness and Yoga Instructor. Through her passion for fitness and commitment to professional learning, she has earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Florida International University (FIU), Bachelor of Science in Health Science from Florida State University (FSU), and has completed numerous fitness and physical therapy certifications.

With two decades of experiences in the fitness and physical therapy arena, Maria is a triple threat when it comes to transforming the health of her clients and patients. Dr. Pontillo specializes in concierge one-on-one Physical Therapy integrated with customized fitness and personal training to optimize the physical therapy experience. Maria is committed to helping anyone suffering with pain or dysfunction return to living a quality,  pain free life. Her knowledge and expertise of treating a wide range of orthopedic, sport, or exercise-related injuries coupled with her fundamental understanding of anatomy and fitness, allows her to design treatment programs utilizing a variety of strategies, including but not limited to, movement and posture correction, mobility & strength training, workplace ergonomic adjustments, gait assessment with footwear analysis, deep tissue massage, graston, cupping, and more!
Visit https://mariapontillo.com/contact/ to set up a private evaluation and consultation with Dr. Pontillo.

Dr. Pontillo has revolutionized the virtual fitness trend by creating her own innovative STUDIO1 Fitness App. Maria’s motivation behind designing this app is to spread her fitness and physical therapy knowledge as she provides customized accommodations for all levels of ability while simultaneously instilling her mantra of EXERCISE RIGHT EXERCISE FOR LIFE.

Teaching 10 to 15 group fitness classes per week has allowed Maria to build relationships and have a genuine impact within the fitness community. Maria has served as the director for Nova Southeastern University Group Fitness Program for over ten years where she coordinates various fitness programs to help thousands of members and students accomplish their fitness goals. Maria remains active in her local community by participating in local 5K charity runs and obstacle races in addition to volunteering at various charity workout events, and attending continuing education courses at national fitness conventions.
Each and everyday, Maria is proud to…


In The Press

“My ultimate goal is to share my passion for fitness with the world”
– Maria Pontillo, DPT

Maria Pontillo was selected as 1 of 5 women for the Future of Fitness in the 2017 July issue of Oxygen Magazine.


Maria Pontillo’s Virtual Personal Training Program was featured on the front cover of the Lifestyle Section in the Sun Sentinel as well as online at SunSentinel.com.


Maria Pontillo was selected among 3,500 personal fitness candidates by Fitness Magazine to be featured in their November 2011 digital and print edition as a Face of FITNESS Finalist due to her superior background in fitness, health and training.


Maria Pontillo is featured in Nova Southeastern University’s Wellness Made Simple Magazine.


Maria Pontillo, DPT, partnered with co-author Jack Zatorski, MPT in this Advance Magazine article titled “Burn Machine: A New Tool for the Physical Therapist.”

Maria Pontillo sat down with Better TV to discuss her feature in Fitness Magazine in 2011.